Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cabbage Patch Kids

My niece Amelia received her first cabbabe patch doll this year for Christmas. Throughout the day she enjoyed changing her baby's clothes and diaper several times. As I watched her play childhood memories flooded my mind. The hours I spent playing with my cabbage patch dolls were numerous. It feels like just yesterday that I was that kid who was too excited for Christmas and all the gifts it ensured. However, I realize that my feelings about X-mas have evolved over the last few years. I am desirous for the reason behind the season to play a larger role in the holiday festivities. Our church does a really good job of remembering and celebrating the meaning of Christmas. A weekly service involving a meal, scripture readings and fellowship is offered during the weeks leading up to the day of Christ's birth. I have only attended a few of these services but have found them to be fulfilling. Honestly I find it satisfying to give and receive gifts from friends and family and see nothing wrong with this tradition. I am guilty however, of making gifts the focus of Christmas. I love new insights and am convinced that with each passing year I will be more intentional on how I choose to celebrate the birth of Christ.


Reunited and it feels so good. Holly and I went to high school together but went our separate ways after graduation. My mom ran into Holly and they exchanged phone numbers. I called Holly and we instantly connected again. Jason warned me not to scare her off but it turns out that the feelings were mutual- we were both very excited about our long overdue reunion. It has been almost three years since our reunion and I can't imagine my life without Holly. I am thankful for the open and honest friendship we share.

The Happy Couple

Johansen Public Display of Affection..... So I had to bribe Jason to pose for this picture but the facade is convincing. We are enjoying the holiday break and the extra time we have had together. Marriage has been so good for me. I am thankful for the life Jason and I share.

It's a Tea Party

Johnson family tradition states that tea parties are incomplete without the adornment of strainers. Coffee cake, ice cream, and a variety of teas made this tea party complete. It is always a PARTY with the Johnsons. It is so satisfying to talk and laugh with good friends.

The Secret Recipe

Our friend Eden came over to watch Murderball and during inermission she made us one of her sorority's secret delicacies. Jason really thinks these wonderbread sugar laced treats are the bees knees. These were the perfect addition to the documentary debut. Murderball is intersesting and worth seeing. Happy viewing.......

In the beginning....

And on the 8th day man created blogs, and God saw that it was good.
So this is how it all began... Annie came for a visit and she inspired me to start a blog. I am excited to write and share my thoughts. Hopefully my friends will enjoy communicating with me via this new venue.

Take care,