Thursday, February 15, 2007

I'm still here

Don't give up on me yet. It has been a week and counting since my last post. I have been busy reading my textbooks and planning for the future. It is hard to report on the present as I spend way to little time enjoying it. One day, one day - "if not now, then when" Tracy Chapman replies (this is off one of her early CDs). I don't do a good job of balancing all of the things I want to do, like to do, have to do and should do. My wise husband sums it up well, "Kara, your problem is that you have a full plate but you want to be a part of the clean plate club."


Anonymous said...

I want to be part of the clean plate club...How'd I miss the sign up list for that?

Anonymous said...

SOOOO, can you give us an update on your life? I like to read up on my friend:)

Anonymous said...

depends if you tell me who you are....