Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Gift Exchange.....

After hearing a wise man speak to me about how Christmas is truly just a gift exchange and materialism at its worst- I am considering the idea of making my gifts next year. I like the idea of giving something I have made and that I think will be meaningful for the other person. I have made a few of my gifts in the past but am considering making them all? I am looking for gift ideas. Got any? Have you made gifts in the past that impressed you and that you would love to pass on? Feel free to share your ideas with me.

Hoping and Wishing and Praying



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are blogging again. My family did a homemade gift exchange this year and Paul made the gifts for both of us. A chalkboard like the one we gave you and a coat rack to match. It was a lot of fun.

kara said...

If we planned ahead we could have a gift making night....

Gail said...

today i randomlly thought, "i should learn how to knit so i can make scarfs for people next christmas"