I feel like a little kid again with my garden- each day I go out back to check on my little ones and to measure any new growth. Just this week my seeds turned into veggies- WOW. I officially have green and yellow beans growing:) My lettuce has started to sprout too- oh how I love my greens! Sadly, the more shaded areas of my garden aren't doing as well but I think a little time might be just what they need(my fingers are crossed:)
The beans were the first to sprout!
I used the cilantro for dinner last night- I loved picking it right before I put it on the table.
At dinner time I can't wait to be able to say, "what kind of greens would you like in your salad tonight?"
Mmmm veggies... I love fresh artichokes... Hey do you have Beth Johnson's email address?
I love artichokes too... which Jacob are you and how do you know Beth the Great?
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