Fortunately, I have not had many bad haircuts in the last 10 years, not bad enough to remember anyway. However, a few weeks ago I went in for a bang TRIM and unfortunately my usual hair stylist was out but because I was leaving town the next day for another interview I settled. I was nervous about the trim in the first place but decided that un-kept hair might not reflect well in my upcoming interviews so I cautiously approached the swirling chairing and put on the black wrap. I asked for a TRIM and boy did I get one. My bangs were so short- I was speechless. I have always wondered what I would look like with bangs straight across my forehead but this was not the ideal time to try out a new look. I left the hair on the floor and started on my way home, dodging all reflections of my new do. On the car ride home Annie and I laughed so hard we cried. She gave me several pep talks (I think she got some good practice in for the speeches she will one day give to Eli) about how my character will shine through at the interviews and that hair style really isn't that important anyway and if a site doesn't pick me because of my hair than I really don't want to be in that shallow of an environment anyway. I was feeling a little bit better, then Paul arrived at the house and the first thing he said to me was, "What did you do to your hair? Why are you wearing it that way?" A little while later J came home and noticed the big change too- there was lots of laughter in the kitchen that night! Mindy was encouraging, "they'll grow out and if you got your eyebrows waxed they might look better. I even have a friend we could call and ask to do it." The eyebrow wax did help but the bangs still were too short- especially for the hairstyle I currently have. My sister came for the weekend and said, "what is up with your hair?" I told here that I was planning to get the rest of my hair cut to match the bangs when we returned from my last interview and that sadly my original plan to start growing out my hair had been thwarted. As predicted, my bangs have grown out a bit in the last few weeks but in the meantime Jason has adopted a new nickname for me "bangs" -it really is affectionate and we laugh every time he says it. I am excited for my appointment on Thursday- I like feeling cute and a hair cut can really make or break this feeling. This experience has given me a new appreciation for a GOOD HAIRCUT! I pay my stylist not just for the cut but for the creativity and ability to shape my hair in a way that is flattering- given the texture of my hair and features of my face. Now I know she is worth every penny and more!
I know she will give you a beautious cut. I think we should have taken a pic of the short bangs - it would have been fun to look back on.
You know what they say. The difference between a good haircut and bad one is about 2 weeks.
Next time go to N.K Image studio and tell them big jake sent ya.
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