Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ladies, he's my handyman

A while ago Jason heard a scratching noise on the side of the house. He went outside only to find a squirrel in the left eve of our attic. It had already chewed two holes and didn't appear to be afraid of rocks or sticks. So Jason borrowed a neighbor's cat trap and tried to attract it with peanut butter and my favorite stash of nuts in the house- pecans. After a few weeks and no sign of the squirrel we thought our little problem had resolved itself. However, Jason heard the same noise on the other side of the house and sure enough when he went outside our pet squirrel greeted him. This time Jason left the trap outside under the right eve in hope that on the squirrel's way up the house he would get distracted by the aroma of nuts. Yesterday Jason checked the cage and sure enough his plan had worked. Jason and our good friend Jeremiah took the squirrel for a little ride and dropped him off at his new home- the forest. We are hopeful that this was the only squirrel living in the eves but just in case there are more, the cage is repositioned and we are eager to give another squirrel a new, better home. Watch out squirrels- Jason is on the loose and he's much more than your average handyman.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Comfort Clothes

I have officially had the longest weekend ever- 6 days and counting..... I have enjoyed the time at home and am surprised by my productivity despite the inclination to just lie around and soak up the snow. Burr- it has been cold around here. I have found myself layering up each day for warmth and for comfort. In fact for the last 3 days I have layered myself up in the exact same clothes everyday. Yep that's right the same clothes, everyday- Jeans, tank top, thermal and a sweater I bought with my cousin at goodwill when I was 16. You might be tempted to attribute this crazy behavior to the weather but let me dissuade you my friend because on most weekends I do the same. I have favorite comfy clothes for each season and I look forward to wearing them often. Not to mention that it cuts down on the morning routine to already have an outfit that's not only picked out but tried out. I misled you when I disclosed this behavior was isolated to the weekend. During the week I spend my days at a variety of places- school, work and practicum. It is common for me to shuffle between 3 outfits for the whole week (and sometimes just 2 ). I think this behavior is innate. My niece has a favorite shirt and if her mom let her she would wear it around the clock- trust my sister did not nurture this sort of behavior. I like the simplification this adds to my life and I admire the kid in me that enjoys this so.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It is FINISHED.............

I am proud to announce that I received my PGRE scores and finally obtained a passing score, as established by the program I am in. I have mixed feelings about the test as it was difficult for me on several levels. I re-established that I am not a good test taker and resented the fact that my status would be based on my ability to answer multiple choice questions. In fact this seems like the very thing they instruct us not to do with our clients. I am more than a score on a standardized assessment. How hard it was not to base my worth on the results of a test. I was constantly forced to consider my status in the eyes of my creator. WHO AM I? I asked myself over and over and by the last test I had come to the reality that even if I never passed this test I would still be able to fulfill my call to love others as Christ loves me. And maybe in some way- because of the challenge I faced, I am more able to love others who struggle in this area because I experienced the pain myself. The pain of this process was advantageous for my spiritual and emotional life. The process nonetheless was not enjoyable but the opportunity to become more Christ like treasured.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Baby, its cold outside

This is the view from our local coffee shop on a snowy winter day. I was ready for a hot drink and a good book after I had waited at the bus stop for 45 minutes and still no sign of a bus. It was a nice day off to hang out and play with the roomies..... We played games (I can't believe how competitive I get) and watched the musical DREAMGIRLS at our local pub theater. Jason even came along- he found no enjoyment in the movie. In fact as we sat in the dark theater I looked over to find his head in his hands and possibly his fingers plugging his ears. Tomorrow classes have a late start with the possibly that they will be cancelled altogether:) I must admit that a 5 day weekend sounds lovely. Everyone needs a break once in awhile- hope you are enjoying yours to the fullest.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

How to be in this world but not a part of it?

Lately, I have been thinking about how I spend money. I wish I had the answers, to what is for me a difficult situation. Money is one of those things that you can't do without and yet it is so easy to over do it. I feel sucked into the consumerism- justifying what I have and what I want to more of. Honestly, I don't typically sit at home and day dream about the things I want or need. I often feel content with all that I have but when I am out and about I want, want, want.... It is like when I am out I forget about the overabundance that I have at home. I become unattached of the plush world I live in and reason that I must have more. When I get home and realize that my closet is overflowing, I am embarrassed and I promise myself I won't buy any more but the cycle inevitably starts again. When I went to Africa I didn't think about what I was wearing or if I fit in, I spent my time with the people and enjoying them.
So I am left asking myself how do I consume and not buy into the consumeristic mentality- for me it is a slippery slope! When can I get the things I like even if it means spending a little more? How do I enjoy the things I have and remain content even when I go out? It is so easy for me to find joy in things! I also see shopping as a stress reliever- I used to be able to window shop and not buy but somehow I buy into society's messages that "more is better" and "that my old stuff isn't good enough" or that "I woudl look so cute and I deserve to look cute" etc... Some of the people I admire most are those who have an abundance but who live mindfully of God and others. Their focus is not things but relationships.

Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.

Well it looks like, for the first time since we have been married Jason and I will be traveling this summer. I grew up taking car trips to California every summer to see family and to enjoy the sunshine. When not visiting family for our holiday, it was typical for us to drive hundreds of miles to site see and vacation. In fact some of my fondest memories are of the family driving through the night, sleeping in the car and using the trucker's bathrooms to shower and get ready for the next leg of the trip. I thought this was how all families vacationed. So now that I am all grown up and married I find out that not all families vacationed this way. Needless to say Jason does not like long car rides and in fact he is pretty content staying home. This does have its up sides too. However, it means that we do not travel much. I must admit that every summer we do get away, just not far away. All this to say that, we are planning a trip to New York this summer to see Jason's sister and some college friends. It all started when a friend from school offered us some tickets as her husband works for a airline (THANK YOU L). At this discounted rate Jason and I decided to try something new. Mostly because this summer might be our last opportunity for a while to go East. Generously, Jason agreed to site see and let me plan some of the trip. So - we are flying into DC (neither of us have been there) and meeting up with his sister's family, then we'll be off to Boston (another location neither of us have been) we will then head to upstate NY to stay with Jason's sister. Hopefully while we are there we will visit Montreal (yet another location we have not seen). The last half of our trip will be spent with our college friends and their little boy and new baby. We will head up to NY for a few days and fly out there. I am really excited about the trip and can't wait to see our family and friends.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

How to find a good book?

I am currently reading this great book my friend Annie suggested. I love reading but do not have the patience to pick up a book and find out if it is good. Lucky for me I have friends who seem to find really good books and then pass them along to me. I have yet to be disappointed.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

an outing with a friend

One of the highlights of the holiday break was
spending time with friends and family. Annie- is one of the most enduring shoppers I know. We often fill our time together running around town. She is also one of the cutest pregnant women I have ever seen. Annie dreamed of the day she would carry her own child and now that she is blessed with the opportunity, she carries him with pride and honor. It is a pleasure to watch Annie grow and bloom into a beautiful mommy. Elias is so lucky to have the Robinson's as parents.

Nephews: who could live without them?

Nephews and nieces are one of the best parts of the Holidays.

What to talk about?

Fellow bloggers-
I sometimes don't blog because I am not sure what to talk about. Do any of you face the same dilemma? I can hear my friends, "what Kara has nothing to talk about?" It is not that I couldn't talk about many, many things- I somehow have this notion that blog-talk must be noteworthy. The content of the blog should be deep and lengthy. When following such guidelines the blog becomes a chore, as each entry requires a great deal of creativity and forethought. YIKES! The blogs I enjoy most are those that are often short in length and informative about the blogger. I love my friend Annie's because she offers a variety of blogs- some deep, some funny, some thought provoking, and some informative. After her, proud three years of blogging, it appears she has the hang of it or maybe it just comes natural for a girl like Annie. I am hopeful that I too will get the hang of it.