A while ago Jason heard a scratching noise on the side of the house. He went outside only to find a squirrel in the left eve of our attic. It had already chewed two holes and didn't appear to be afraid of rocks or sticks. So Jason borrowed a neighbor's cat trap and tried to attract it with peanut butter and my favorite stash of nuts in the house- pecans. After a few weeks and no sign of the squirrel we thought our little problem had resolved itself. However, Jason heard the same noise on the other side of the house and sure enough when he went outside our pet squirrel greeted him. This time Jason left the trap outside under the right eve in hope that on the squirrel's way up the house he would get distracted by the aroma of nuts. Yesterday Jason checked the cage and sure enough his plan had worked. Jason and our good friend Jeremiah took the squirrel for a little ride and dropped him off at his new home- the forest. We are hopeful that this was the only squirrel living in the eves but just in case there are more, the cage is repositioned and we are eager to give another squirrel a new, better home. Watch out squirrels- Jason is on the loose and he's much more than your average handyman.
You da' man, Jason!
That's the perfect squirrel catching hat. Smart to wear the gloves too. You don't want any sqirrel bites.
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