I am proud to announce that I received my PGRE scores and finally obtained a passing score, as established by the program I am in. I have mixed feelings about the test as it was difficult for me on several levels. I re-established that I am not a good test taker and resented the fact that my status would be based on my ability to answer multiple choice questions. In fact this seems like the very thing they instruct us not to do with our clients. I am more than a score on a standardized assessment. How hard it was not to base my worth on the results of a test. I was constantly forced to consider my status in the eyes of my creator. WHO AM I? I asked myself over and over and by the last test I had come to the reality that even if I never passed this test I would still be able to fulfill my call to love others as Christ loves me. And maybe in some way- because of the challenge I faced, I am more able to love others who struggle in this area because I experienced the pain myself. The pain of this process was advantageous for my spiritual and emotional life. The process nonetheless was not enjoyable but the opportunity to become more Christ like treasured.
1 comment:
I'm so proud of you!
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